Like other body co-operative society may also be managed.This is for getting work done. This is also be managed. This is for getting work done. This is a accomplished by using the services of other people in the society. As management of co-operative society is done on democratic basis it is vested with the general body and managing committees.
The general body is considered as the supreme authority or final authority of a co-operative society . It is the organisation of members of the society. All members of the society except nominal or associate members are entitled to attend the general body meting. Proxy is not allowed in the case of general body of societies. Ordinarily managing committee convenes the general body. If the committee fails then the registrar will convene the general body.
As per section 28(1) the general body of a society shall constitute a committee for a period not exceeding five year in accordance with act, Rules and bye laws and entrust the management, the affairs of the society to such committee the maximum number of members of the committee shall not exceed 15 in the case of primary society and 25 in other societies. In the case of federal society, number of individual in the society and the committee there of shall not exceed 25 percent of the total number of members in the society
1. Election of office bearers
2. Admission of members and allocation of shares
3. To raise necessary funds in the form of deposits and loans
4. To convenes the general body meetings
5. To arrange for the proper maintenance of accounts of the society
6. To appoint, control and supervise the staff
7. To constitute the sub committee
8. To sanction transfer of shares and withdrawel of shares
9. To decide on how to invest the funds of the society
10.Consideration of audit, inspection and enquiry report
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